Palm Grove Web Design

Giving Entrepreneurs The Business

Hey there! My name is Ryen B, I’m the Owner/Operator of Palm Grove Web Design. After spending over 10 years in IT Support troubleshooting and fixing every technical difficulty one can imagine, I started learning programming/software development in my free time in order to expand my mind as well as my professional skill-set. While it’s fallen out of style these days, I still believe in traditional family values where a man works as the sole provider for his family; so I knew I needed to explore new paths to additional income streams. I also wanted to be able to work from home and spend as much time around my children as I possibly could, so I could watch them grow and flourish. Naturally, web development presented the perfect opportunity to pursue both of these goals. It took a few years, and of course there is always something new to learn, but I finally reached the point where I was confident in my web development abilities, and I knew I wanted to help other small business owners achieve the same financial freedom and independence from the 9-to-5 rat race that I myself sought after.

As a fellow entrepreneur who understands those financial constraints of small business which we all share, I found an opportunity to form mutually beneficial relationships with local companies and entrepreneurs alike. Most small businesses don’t have the upfront cash to drop thousands of dollars at one time for a new website, yet the necessity for a website remains ever present in today’s Internet age. Most busy entrepreneurs also don’t have the time to fiddle around with pre-made website builders like WordPress, Wix, SquareSpace, and other similar products. While these can certainly be useful tools when placed in the right hands, as a business owner your time is best spent delegating these tasks to more technical resources so that you can put your focus and attention on growing your business and expanding your clientele.

And that’s where Palm Grove comes in. Our business model of $0 Down/$150 per month provides you with peace of mind, and provides us with sustainable financial stability; it’s a win-win for everyone. You get a sleek, modern, professional website with unlimited edits and rapid technical support without breaking the bank, and we get the opportunity to establish long-term client relationships to achieve mutual growth.

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Our Process

How To Get Started

We guide you from Point A to Point B, following our roadmap to your online success

  • First Contact

    We reach out to businesses who meet our criteria for an opportune potential partner; whether you have no website, or you could use a fresh coat of paint on your current one

  • Discovery Call

    We set up an appointment that works for your schedule to jump on a call and gather all the relevant info about you, your business, and your story

  • Design and Revision

    We keep you updated throughout every step of the design process so that you can provide feedback and request any desired revisions until you are 100% satsified with the final product

  • Take It Online

    Your site goes live and becomes publicly accessible on the Internet, and you can start generating new leads to expand your customer base

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We'd love to hear from you! Your success is our success. Let's build for the future!

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Let's Build and Grow Together

Nobody understands the struggles of small business better than fellow small business owners. Let's work together for mutual prosperity and a brighter future.

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